
Why are preventable diseases returning?

In December 2014, Disneyland in Anaheim, California, was linked to a widespread measles outbreak, reported NBC News. The outbreak swept through the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Over 300 individuals contracted the measles as a result. This event encapsulated a troubling trend: the reemergence of vaccine-preventable diseases. Call it a comebackOver the past eight years, a number of 

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Recent advances in HIV/AIDS research and treatment

During the week of June 5, 1981, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mentioned the occurrence of an acute lung infection in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Between October 1980 and May 1981, five Los Angeles-based gay men had sought medical attention for a variety of symptoms including fever, oral fungal inflammation 

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Meet Our New Customer Support & Logistics Manager

Kerafast team member Carlos Guerra recently moved from Boston to sunny San Diego, California. We were sad to say goodbye, but are very excited to welcome William Vezinaw as our new Customer Support & Logistics Manager. William comes to Kerafast from the University of Rochester, where he received a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences-molecular genetics 

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7 Reasons Why Researchers Partner with Kerafast

Researchers from many leading institutions have joined the Kerafast community, making their reagents easily accessible to the global scientific community. We recently surveyed nearly 200 of these providing investigators to get their feedback on the Kerafast program. The survey asked about their experiences working with us and provided an opportunity to weigh in on new 

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A novel catalase from an extreme microorganism

By Felipe Sarmiento, Ph.D., Business Innovation Director of Swissaustral USA Swissaustral is a worldwide specialist in extreme biotechnology, developing innovative solutions for non-standard technological challenges in life sciences and industry. Our company exploits the potential of extremophiles, or microorganisms that thrive under extreme conditions, and their unexplored metabolic pathways as a unique and diverse natural 

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Collaborating with the University of Georgia to Develop Extremophilic Enzymes

An increasing number of universities are now operating business incubators, programs which help nurture and grow early-stage companies affiliated with the institution. According to the International Business Innovation Association, there are now more than 1,250 business incubators in the United States and more than 7,000 worldwide. As of 2012, about one-third of the U.S. incubators 

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Kerafast Community Profile: Ammy M. Santiago, Kerafast Fellow at Rutgers University

Kerafast Community Profile: Ammy M. Santiago, Kerafast Fellow at Rutgers University The Kerafast fellowship program provides scientists with real-life experience in the technology commercialization field. Fellows work with Kerafast and their university’s technology transfer office to engage researchers in identifying new and unique reagents for addition to the Kerafast platform, where the materials can be 

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A Big Welcome to the Kerafast Summer Interns!

A Big Welcome to the Kerafast Summer Interns! Here at Kerafast, we just welcomed two new team members: digital marketing intern Jillian Katz from Roger Williams University and graphic design intern Lidia Tokareva from Bunker Hill Community College. We wanted to take this opportunity to introduce them and their roles at Kerafast. Jillian Katz, Digital 

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A Summer Addition to Our Product Management Team

As you may have seen, we recently welcomed two summer interns to the Kerafast office. We’re excited to introduce a third intern to the team, Wendy Ma. Wendy is a rising junior at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, pursuing a major in biology. This summer she is serving as Kerafast’s product management intern. She’ll be helping 

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