What Will Be Science’s Next Leap Forward?
At Kerafast, our mission is to create a global community of scientists advancing research by facilitating access to unique bioreagents. The upcoming Leap Day has us thinking about how scientific research will advance before the next Leap Year in 2020.
We therefore are asking the Kerafast community: “What do you think will be science’s greatest leap forward over the next four years?”
Anyone submitting a response by Leap Day (February 29) will be entered in a drawing to win a Kindle Fire HD. Responses can be submitted in any of the following ways:
- On Twitter, with the tags @Kerafast and #LeapScienceForward
- In a comment or post on the Kerafast Facebook page
- By filling out this quick survey form
A lot can happen in four years. According to Science magazine, the biggest breakthroughs of the last Leap Year period were:
- 2012: discovery of the Higgs boson
- 2013: cancer immunotherapy
- 2014: landing on a comet
- 2015: CRISPR gene editing
So what will the leap be this time? Will CRISPR or cancer immunotherapy realize their extraordinary promise? Will it be related to precision medicine or the BRAIN initiative? Or something else in your research area with the potential to be a major breakthrough? We want to hear your ideas!
After Leap Day, we will select the Kindle winner and share the top answers with the Kerafast community. Looking forward to hearing from you!