Blazing the Trail for the Good Guys

SfN 2013, San Diego, CA — Published: November 30, 2013 The team of Bob, Amelia, Travis and Laura would like to use this opportunity to thank the 700+ basic researchers who took a moment to visit our booth, learn about our unique offering, and determine if they were “hat worthy.” To be hat worthy, one 

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Engineered Monomeric Streptavidin 2 (Video)

Sheldon Park, PhD, University at Buffalo — Published: August 27, 2013 Streptavidin is widely used in biotechnology and molecular research for detection, purification, crosslinking, and labeling of biotinylated targets. However, wild-type streptavidin is an obligate tetramer and can crosslink biotinylated targets. Target aggregation is a significant obstacle in some applications, including the labeling of biotinylated 

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What the Heck are Cytospins?

Gail M. Seigel, PhD, University at Buffalo — Published: July 23, 2013 Fluorescent staining of Retinal Cell Line (R28) Cytospin.Retinal Cell Line (R28) Cytospin with “button” of cells and resulting microscope image of cells stained for EpCAM (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). “How can I maximize my research resources during these financially difficult times?” 

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The Investigator’s Annexe at KeraFAST

The Licensing Team at KeraFAST — Published: June 27, 2013 This entertaining animated video introduces the The Investigator’s Annexe program and all of its benefits. We hope you enjoy it! The Investigator’s Annexe is a large and ever growing collection of life science research tools from the laboratories of principal investigators in prominent research institutions 

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A New Avenue for Protein-Nucleic Acid Complex Crystallization

Thomas Hollis, PhD, Wake Forest University — Published: May 22, 2013 The conception of the Protein-Nucleic Acid Complex Crystal Screen came from a need that we had to crystallize DNA-protein complexes. Normally, initial crystallization conditions are found through the use of commercially purchased screens. In the case of DNA-protein complexes, these screens have proven quite 

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Hitting upon an optimal G Protein alpha purification scheme

Gregory G. Tall, PhD, University of Rochester — Published: April 11, 2013 Ric-8A promotes Gαq abundance. Lysates from Sf9 cells expressing Gαq or Gαq and Ric-8A were chromatographed and the Gαq-containing fractions were resolved by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie stained. Our ability to produce unprecedented quantity of heterotrimeric G protein α subunits was not by design, 

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Development of Photocleavable Alpha-Factor for Yeast

Laurie L. Parker, PhD, Purdue University — Published: March 20, 2013 Diagram of Photocleavable Alpha-Factor for Yeast.This photocleavable alpha-factor analog incorporates a UV-cleavable linker into the backbone, which enables photolysis of the peptide upon exposure to UV light. This mimics Bar1 protease cleavage and cell cycle release. As a synthetic chemist moving into a new 

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Development of a Fluorescent Imaging Probe Specific for Neutrophils

Travis Riedel, PhD — Published: February, 28, 2013 This reagent is a Cyanine7-conjugated, PEG-modified hexapeptide that specifically binds the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) of neutrophils. After tail vein injection of the agent, sites of inflammation where neutrophils have been recruited and activated can be imaged in vivo by near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence. This Neutrophil-Specific, NIR Fluorescent 

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Engineering an Extended Activity FGF-1

Travis Riedel, PhD, MBA — Published: January 30, 2013 Compared to wild-type, engineered recombinant human FGF-1 variant displays improved overall thermostability, a two-fold increase in resistance to trypsin proteolysis, and a drastic improvement in cell culture half-life (~40 hours, compared to 1 hour for wild-type FGF-1). This unique Extended Activity FGF-1 variant is now available exclusively from 

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