Probing for Protein Sulfenic Acids

Leslie B. Poole, PhD, Wake Forest University — Published: November 5, 2012 The need for chemical probes to detect and identify oxidized cysteine residues in proteins, particularly in their sulfenic acid state, became clear to me as a graduate student in the 1980’s while working on the cysteine-dependent peroxide-reducing enzyme from lactococci, NADH peroxidase. The 

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On the Road to Retinal Cells

Gail M. Seigel, PhD, University of Buffalo (formerly University of Rochester) — Published: October 31, 2012 It may sound crazy to you, but the idea for immortalized retinal cells came to me as I was driving on the expressway. It was the week-end and I was eastbound on Route 490 in Rochester, NY on my 

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